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She the Silliest girl ever that inlove.



Weik ! morninq :)
Just now when out with Lovely Shamim :)
supposed to be just he two of us but what to do the more the merrier :) meet them at admiralty Mrt around 2 and when of to marsilinq to attend shamim's cousin's weddinq .

After waitinq for hym at block 157 the 5 of us when to city hall cause adi & his brother wanted to buy somethinq and when off to penisula and Buqis . what a tirinq day . Hubby and me should had a relaxinq day at ECP . but what to do . Since they ask to come alonq .

adi and his brother qot to qo to pasir ris due some thinqs . ahahah . so left the 3 pf us when to bussorah to have our dinner . shamim & _ _ had nasi pataya ayam & myself had a undelicious nasi qorenq ayam . :)After Eatinq ,Hoem Sweet Home :

NAqh tqk taqh the couple of the the year?

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 11:38 AM


So what seyh biie ??
Is it wronq for me to have a dinner with my parents at wdlands mart ?
That place is full of memory .Ya i Know ! but whye sia ??
I had enouqh of you ! You're turninq 19 this year yet you're actinq like a 13 year old kid taw biie !

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 8:19 PM


Hey this post is special for Mazwan or wan dohk :)

My best reqard or wish for you is to take caire of youself you're a big boy riqht now dearest .Don't make your mum worry about you . take qood care of her ,adeq and cik nuai . I hope you happy leadinq your life in 2010 And promise me you will not look back to the pass Nor the love that we had share before . I just can't be toqether with you until now cause i treat you like my cousin . Now we are far apart . Go on with your life . Enjoy kay . .:)Eventhouqh you can read this but you still know how i feel :)

Loved : cousin rynni :)
Siqnout :kyrenieyumie Senorita :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 2:12 PM


thrusday ,28 January 2010
just can't wait

Hey . just came back from school around 12.30 and straiqht to my bedroom to chanqe cloth and on the computer :)

Smilinq eventhouqh today didn't contact hym cause it left only 1 day 1/2for us to meet each other . Oh josh ! can't wait for the day to camo by !just now i online in facebook and take a quiz "Does he still love you?" and the answer is .

He is still in love with you, and is trying hard to get your attention and win you back again!!! go girl..grab him right now!!! I was Like ohh josh ! Really meeh ? ahahah . lets wait and see kay :)

Ohh josh ! i just can't be apart from hym for too lonq. Fyi I had a bad cramp on my shoulder ! pain sia ! I die due to painfulness ! hahaah :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 1:01 PM


Second letter just wait & see . i will not tell you kay :)


♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 6:27 PM


Hey Babeyh Love ,

This is a letter just for you . It's a poem. :)
Findinq a true love is not easy as you think it was .Real love stories will never have a ending. For a relationship we gone throuqh the good,the bads,hardship,joy,love & lastly happiness are all interwomen into one indescribable whole that one call life . You cannot separate the goods from the bad,andperhaps there is no need to do so.

The sweetest one.

If e never met you ,i wouldn't like you.If i didn't like you,I wouldn't fall in love with you .If i didn't fall in love with you,i wouldn't miss you.
But I did,I do and I will .

Babeyh , i will alwaes love you no matter what .:)


♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 6:13 PM


Just hanq up the phone with Babeyh Love .

It's nice talkinq to hym eventhouqht we're far apart ,but our heart will still be toqether . Althouqh we are not couple,we act like one. But whye we can't be apart eventhouqht it been only 2 days and 4 days left for us to meet up.

I believe this time i really love ,like & care about hym . I can't really stop thinkinq about hym & i really mean what i say this time. . he have my other half of my life . i hope he will not play around with my feelinqs .he's a nice quy & i dn't wish to break his fraqile heart nor Bastard hym . .:)

if you're beside me riqht now, youu will know how i feel towards you. My love is only for you. there no need for a third parties .
So the bictches out there let me remind you this

i Maybe a slut but you're a bitch . you can't brinq me down the floor cause If slut V.S Bitch . Sluts wins . Let me repeat eyhk ! SLUTS WINS !


♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 5:11 PM


Ferst date for the year 2010 :)
yesterday went out with dearest Shamim :) Still remember hym ??
ahahh . . kay2 :)

Suppose should take hym from maju camp . But due to laziness he ask me to meet hym at admiralty MRT haha im late :) Met his friends & blahblahblah . and when off to Dhobby Ghuat,we reach there arnd 4 or 5 and to brouqht 4 movie tickets of Tooth Fairy

Guess what our movie stars at 7.15 . .lambat qler . and i qot to find out that My Dearest was damn tired . Petty hym seyh . .:(.
but what to to ..haiyo . .sorry2 mls naqh type .
after the movie we went off to buqis to buy permudes 4 the idiot ..
and went off arnd 10 or 11 and when home.

Had a fiqht with hym inside the train . .and we settle thinqs out at my blok lift . .

To Baby Love :
Sorry about yesterday ,I didn't meant to do that . My brain was totally blank . Really relly sorry . I didn't know that you likee me & has fell in love with me ..I didn't except this to happen , i thouqht you like me as a friend . but you proof me wronq . Just now we met . and i ask you . who do you like ,love or care ? and you answer "you ! " . i was totally shock . i have known you for almost 3 month . and 2 or 1 month aqo i still remember that u had admitted to me before that you like me but i didn't know you are serious about likinq me . This time i will qive you a chance to qet in my heart slowly . Kay hunny thats all fer youu . .I promise i will pick you up at clementi mrt station or maju camp k :)

Lastly ,ILoveyou dear :)


♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 8:45 PM


Post on Saturday
Morning Everyone :)

Yesterday when out with cousins eena, Fhateenie norfe to toapoyoh .
Reach there around 5 or 6 plus and meet up with cousins Mimi ,Kak Aniz and Ayid at toapoyoh interchange when went off to sky garden . .

Slacking here & there talking craps all the way :)
kak anis decided to buy drinks*wink* at 7-eleven:)
i had chosen Q raspberry 2 and blackcurrant vodka contains 8% ,8.4% and 8% alcohol. no that hiqh la kan .
hahahahahaha :)

fhat didn't drink . So does Eena but until she see the last bottle saw not open at 9 plus .
So we decided to play a qame just to finish the last bottle. .what a day . .

To kak Anis:thanks fer the drink and ciqq k . .appreciate it alot :)

Currently tired . .nk kene siap2 naqh kuar uqh ..
later afternoon i will uploud the pictures :)

when im down with vodka

The Cousins
Photobucket Photobucket

The drinks! WelCome To My World


♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 9:34 AM


Hey ! just now after came home from school, i did was Blog ,chat , eat and qo shop . Today was i really bad day . I hate all the people in class . .All i know is Jaja was beside me . .I made her into trouble ,So im payinq bck what i had done . .

Once you fall in a dark drain, i will not be there watchinq youu fall but what im done just now was, i jump down and hold you tiqht in my arms , i would let you surfer alone . Okay jaja :) ILOveyou more than i Love my sister :)

Just for My lovee :)

Biie ,youu take caire . aye . .i will alwaes meet youu in school same qoes deen Katek . .I willl miss you when you're qone . .remember we'll qo throuqh every sinqle pain toqether . .I will not let you down . .i wll try my every best to make you happy . .I willinq to qive up deen katek up if it make you happy . .

Lastly I just want you to be happy :)

Baby Boyy

I just don't know who had you been mcqinq all this all until your prd is LOW . .Pfft ! ,aybe we don't know each other quite well . i think i have to say the same to you.

Maybe we should qo our seperate way . Only 3 time a day you mcq me . What will happened went we are toqether ? 1 times aday . .Just the MORNING B ,and you're forever qone ? isit ?kay la it okay. .Up to you kay . anythinq just mcq me . .

Baby senorita

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 7:48 PM


Hey . :(

Today was a totally bull shit day seyh . Ferst early in the morninq i been saboh at the perade squere . .Kene mrah da qitu tkperh . .same as my LOvee :jaja ketot . .pfft . .what a day .

i throuqht everythinq was fine . .But soon as the DM dimissed us . .MRS .NG ask me to follow her & MDM Sanisah ask Jaja to follow her to the detention room . .I followed her like a doq . WHF ! I followed her to her 4 periot of lesson with th 2M4 class . .then i went to apoloqised to my social studies teacher . .then when to the detention room. pfft ! what a waste of time . .

Meet Mr. tay . .ANd they had a talk .. jaja,adwin & me start to wispered and lauqh . .fun talkinq to hym . .After NG done talkinq With Tay . .Tay came to me and ask me question . .After awhile . .i tell jaja that im hunqry ! then Tay asked me had i have my breakfast i. .i said no . .he qive me 4 mins to qo buy water and bread. .i was like . .Baek tkya baqi break sak ! . .but nvrmind. .

FYI I miss my 3 lesson and my recess WTH ?? until now i did even hav my Breakfast nor lunch . .

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 12:35 PM


From a quy i used to love =.=
Firstly sorie fer the damp face aye ?

Heylo ! rynn harap i*aan doinq fine in school . hope youu enjoy .:) i think it's time for us to qo our separate way . Rynn harap i*aan paham maksot rynn . .Not that i want to forqet about you & dn't care about you anymore But i said this for our own qood .

Eventhouqh you're not mine anymore .but the love is still there .But just that i dn't wish to show it to you . .rynn knows this is quite hard to accept it but maybe qod arranqe this for you and me . the best we stay as a friend . maybe my cousin said is riqht . . i shouldn't be selfish . i been keepinq youby my side fer 6 months . We been takinq care of each other ,feelinq of sadnees ,happiness ,madness & all that stuff . .this year it will not be the same anymore . .I chanqe . You chanqe & all people chanqe .Maybe not all. .but haish . .i let you decide . .qo on with our FRIENDSHIP as a FRIEND or not to qo on ? i promise i will respect your decision . .but please the decision must be honest . .k :)

kyrieniumie senoirita

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 7:20 PM


heyy my new Bloqy . .

Just want to tell my shynks that i will pass my bloq URL to Cousins aye ?Didn't you realise i just chanqe my bloqskin . ! i manaqe to do it all by my self taw ! superd banqe seyh ! hehe . .

Currently chattinq with My classmate . .
in mobile currently contactinq with Mr : kechyk ,Azri & Baby boy!

Doesn't mean im att kay . .im still sinqle like before . .18 days of sinqle life :)
hehehe :p

New picture :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 4:30 PM


It been sometimes im bloqqinq ! so here im back bloqqinq aye? hahah. .Does anyone miss me??hahah..for sure no kan3?
but i miss my bloq so much!toO many memories that have in my lovely but half dead bloq..nyahahah . .

Back for some reason actually ! I been kippinq this for quite sometimes ,I been havinq problems . .SO peers in my class exceptly my boifies just bear with it . .Sorry if i throw my temper at you all. . And my attuide sucks alot ! I KNOW OKAY ! just can't take it anymore today is the 17 days im sinqle . .Inqatkan Sinqle Happy . . rupe2nyer menyeramkn ! hahah . .

Life in school is just fine. .i Know this year is qoinq to be bad to worst. .So myself,faeezah & sheyma is helpinq each other to qet back in track . .so ya . .im doinq quite fine . .

my tarqet fer this year is to be happy and find a better & rite quy fer myself . . :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 6:01 PM


Sorrie ! currently busy !

Saturday & sunday im out workinq at two weddinq ! damn it! im still qot thee feelinq of tiredness ! haha ! just start school just now! fresh and happy! My class fer thiss year is 2L2 . .there's this qirl from qirls home her aqe is 17 this . .came to my class i wasn't expectinq her to be in our class ! muke sombonq qler seyh! but she prove me That im totally wronq !
And im happy that Muhammad Izaan Bin Zulkifli pass to sheyma his calcurlator & piqlet Plus a rubber band & my rinq with name of hafi* . .piqlet snell damn nice !
Imissyousomuch izaan :) hahaha :)
take cire when in ITE Clementi k ! Many M*n*h in that ite of our ! better be careful k :)
than's all for today :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 7:40 PM


Today friday 1 jan 2010,
MOrninq :) Just can back frm admiralty ,asuall spent time with hym & all that stuff . .yesterday ,went to Marina S . .took alot2 of Picture . .allthouqh there only 3 of us ( Eena ,Erna & me )it was quite fun . .we enjoy ourself . .due to our plan ,We are supposed to be slack at esplande . .but to bad we was damn hunqry since morninq didn't eat anythinq to 3 of us decide to walk around & withdor money . .we took almost 1 hour to decide what should we eat . .haha . .what a joke seyh! And finally we decided to eat at BK . .we brouqht Tapow & eat at the qrass pact near marina steps . .superd cool ! there was alot ,alot of mat ! HOt2 plak tu !But to bad this year tarqet fer me is to stick to one ! that is one & only Firr :)
I took alot2 of uqly picture ! haha ..Funky sia ! all the mat & minah past by lookinq at ask . .
MYself !
Back with MORE photos :) naqh sleep :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 8:55 AM