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She the Silliest girl ever that inlove.



Tok ngah mungkin da tinggalkan kita sumua di dunia ni yang penuh dangan bahagia ,kesenangan dan kebaikkan tetapi ni hanya buat sementara sahaja .Memang betol dunia yang Aniconie berada sekarang memang amat indah belakar tetapi apa guna nya jikalau kita harus menderita ? Tetapi sayang semua orang nya aniconie perlu kan sudah kembali keramattua'llah .Aniconie cume perlu satu je .yelah Cinta ,kasih sayang dan ciuman dari seorang atok atau pn seorang jejake yang amat indah di mata tuhan .Selama 3 tahun aniconie iginkn kasih sayang ,ciuman dari seorang datok yang bernama Hj .Kamsol !

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 1:06 PM


Heylo :)Afternoon Sunshine :)
After school around 12.50pm i went off home ,had a bath and went off to CWP around 2 pm to meet up with Jerry or Nurazhar it was so called A Date .Hehe second date of the year :) He was happy to saw me infront of him .haha . Before we met up , he asked me "Do you go for looks ?Cause i dn;t dn't have the looks " . i answer him No ! He reply back sayinq " Btol ker ? LOoking at your photo's all.You do have looks .And ya you have many guy friends .Im sure there's alot of them who likes you rite ? " haahah funny rite . Yaa indeed he have no look but what for if you have the looks but your heart are black kan ?hmm .but i qot to know he knows Suzy Telly & shasha thoishi , what a small world . hhaah . Slack with Suzy And Sha for awhile and we qo our separated ways after smokinq .
Shasha And Suzy went off to make a new ezlink at CCK as me & Azhar procide to admiralty to send his ex qirlfie hp .Pfft ! kakaka ! what a joke . .:) around 5.30 i went back home .heheehehhee =.=

Rynn Senorita smart2
Sarang Heyo :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 6:32 PM



May all this be a dream but on day you will realise all this will come true . I use to dream that i will separated from Shamim,when i woke up im happy it was just a dream but one day it came true . and now im offically SINGLE ! after i break up with shamim .Farhat came by and my cousins( Eena & Mimi ) ask Is it because of muhammad Farhat You break up with shamim .? The Answer is NO !It is just a coincident that Farhat Mcq me when i broke up with shamim .In my heart i don't really bear to lose shamim.But his words and action really hurt my heart deeply in there .Friends you may see that i look better day by day and very cheerful but deep down there i feel really really suck and hurt .In school i even force myself to do stupid stuff to make u all lauqh,cheer you all up when you're down .I dn't really care about my problem but your problem came ferst in my eyes :) I Love you all .Cause my 4 peers know how painful my life is this year thru my painful & watery eyed .
Guy belonqs to the same world but Gurls just dn't understand guy .

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 4:42 PM


Hello :)
Apa bikin? hahah .Just now in the afternoon ,i online on tagged and i been alert that i qot 2 new mcq .One is for it was dearly Boify( Farhat ) and Chipin . Farhat's mcq wasn't that surprise la .cause he said haha synq u ;) .so whatever .ahha and chipin's
was hw r u??
its been a l0ng tyme
i d0nt msg u .
i feel lyke
missing u sey .
d0nt u miss me?? ") . Surprising seyh to know that he miss me ahha . We normally fright over the phone like mad couple.haha.He had admitted before that he love me but at that point of time im attached to bad la hoor ! hahah

What i do after school was ,i went home straight and i realise that i forgotten to brinq my house key .STUPID Farini ! hahaa . around 2 mit up with my ex-boify( Izaan ) pass hym my Lil piglet and had a short chat and went off back home .Reach blahblahblah ,Babeyh Lovee( Suzy Telly ) wanted to went off to cwp to meet up with her bestie i quess( Osiha ) sent her to bus stop and went back home ." rajin la Kan" haha .just to kill time while waiting for farhat kol tehehe ..around 3.30 meet hym under my block . sweet gitu lor ,haha get to bite hym many time ..Chicky us .haha .but still friends la kn ..hahah .. maybe not laa ..but both of us are not ready for any relationship yet laa shey ! ahahah :) I was talk so much he get fastserated ,he try to shut me up but it's difficult so what he do was he kiss my on the lips ! hahaha ! Nice Tongue :) hehehe

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 7:23 PM


Today Maybe the last post about babeyh Lovee . .
I don't feel the love in hym . I need attention ,Love ,care from a person .I need all the attention from a guy that really pay attention on me .And i thouqht it was you but my throuqt was wronq .I don't really know about this whether my throuqht was wronq or correct .i really need you but are perpare to qive what i need ? So i quess i decided to make a pause to our relationship .

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 6:39 PM


Hey afternoon sachek & sachok :)

yesterday went out with babeyh Lovee .Ferstly met hym at admiralty ,supposely when straiqht to zoo but due to many thinq that he had brouqht for me ,we decided to went back to my house and put all the thinqs there.Guess what he had brouqht for me .
( a piglet that cost over $30.00 and famous amos that cost $10.00 and a valentines day card .pretty swit taw
.)After that we decided to procide to Zoo .

btw He wrote this on the card:
To:Farini A.K.A Babeyh senorita.
From:Shamim A.K.A Babeyh Lovee

Dear Baby Snorita,
Babeyh Love just want to say that he love you very much and hopes that the gift that he brouqht,you will really like it and cherish it alot.He also hopes that you would have the best and great Valentine's day ever.He will try his best not to make you anqry and be the boyfriend that you will ever had

I almost cried .haha .Just a simple qift ,it really touches my heart deeply inside .:)
Thanks biie for all the thinqs and gift :)

Picture will be uploud by tuesday kay .PROMISE :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 12:07 PM


This few minutes i been thinkinq ,

Why i been doinq this to my ex this past few years ? Is it because of revenqe ?NO way !I dnn't wish to repeat my mistake aqain.I felt guilty leavinq i'zaan just like that . But i had past a month ,and i still keep his messaqes that he send to me .Im sorry i did anytthinq wronq to you i'zaan but what i remember is i left you because of one that was not worth .It takes quite lonq for us to be toqether & i just left you like that . Maybe you are a qoodfriend to be with but not a perfect person to be with .

i heard from my cousin that you are qettinq mre & more porpular .Especially with qurl . Even with the senoirs you are qood to be with . I wish you luck .& qet a better person aye :) .

Hafiz : Last 4 or 5 months you are born to be a playboy .Unfortunely ,i done my job to chanqe you into a faithful boy .after i done that job of mine i left you for no reason . It just that you are so un reasonable . i just can't take it anymore .I wasn't born to be a minah rep .and i doesn't suit you at all.Im try to tell you all this lonq is im tryinq my best to qet away from you .

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 2:25 PM


have a chat with lattecream(pipin)
Some of the mcq are missinq sorie

lattecream:mana nak msg
putriDaddy:ape saje je
lattecream:ckp elo ke. .oi bila nak kawin nan aku?
putriDaddy:saik kao
lattecream:bobal jep8un plak?nikah. .larrr syg. .haha
putriDaddy:ahahah. .jepon ?tk dapat uqh
lattecream:haha. .ouhk larrr

putriDaddy:ape ?ynq sure ?
lattecream:oi! miss u
putriDaddy:ahahayeke ?
lattecream:owg serious ni. .dia ni kan . .da r . .buang energy jek
putriDaddy:ape. .sorry la synq ..hahah\
lattecream:tngk. .bergurau agyk. .oi
lattecream:serius can or not?

putriDaddy:kay2. .cn3
lattecream:to early yawww . .jaga diri 2 baik2
lattecream:masih ada yang menyayangi. .cuma perangai 2 . stop it!!!!!!
lattecream:paham??dalaaaar bye

puase forwhile cause i busy blogginq la kan ..ahaha.
thanks boifie for the chat .But im'm offically attach to one & only baby lovee :)wish me luck kay fi:)

seriously Talkinq or chatinq with hym can qet into fiqhtinq mood taw . but fun lauqhinq with pipin . Pipin is my ex which i basturd .but he's the lovable kind of person .one of a kind r ornq die .

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 1:39 PM


Hey Babeyh Bloggy :)

Im stuck at home for today,tomorrow & maybe Friday=.=. Confirm Borinq seyh at home .Can't help it but what to do ! Got mc mah . Due to yesterday la . fell down while doinq P.E then it's fine after that when to recess & CPA Lesson ,Otw to class I fell AGAIN ! that was superd hurtful taws ! Pfft ! All the student from 1L2 was what happen . Paiseyh liao ! what to care about seyh ! da skit Buat hal sakit uqh . hahah .

Daddy came school to pick me up . he was superd "FAST" la kan . hahah .siak2. haha .Around 1.30 went off to Polyclinic near by and went off around 5.00. lame qiler seyh ! Borinq taw .









Pictures will be uploud soon kay .i promise :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 6:30 PM


Just Now Went Out To Blok 5 ,Study Place :)
hehe. Reach Blok 5,eena & me Went of to shell 7 eleven to buy drink & ice blash :)And went back to meet fhat.

After a few mins later i went off to pick Baby Love up at the Busstop unfortunely i reach there late seyh :( and started fiqhtinq with hym and patch back around 5.15 like that . hahah .Mit up around 3 fiqht3 until 5 ? stupid Plus Funny seyh .

For babeyh Lovee :

Im Sorry about jut now taw biie . heheh :) hahah ! your plan was totally funny seyh biie . but quite sweet seyh :)lastly take good care of yourself kay babeyh :) Lovee you So much :) miss you :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 5:56 PM


So ! WHAT EYHK? naqh buat ape seyh lepas nie ? Stay sinqle ke apa e uqh? aku tk tawu la kan ,Sumpah aku tk tawu ape aku nk buat laqi . Please anyone help me do somethinq . i beq your pardon . please . this will be my last relationship if it can . but why am i sayinq this . Case i can't bare to lose hym . but haish . entah. Polish boot all you want k. i told you before what if you're doinq somethinq ,don't pick up my called . Don't ask your irrit friend to pick up the called .I DON"T LIKE ! I swear !

aku synq kamu selamanya . Buat mase ni .kite tkya cntact.i dn't want this to happen but what can i do ?? what seyh ???

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 1:49 PM



♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 1:25 PM


To Maksu :

My best wishes for you : semoqa perkhawinan anda tidak akan berakhir dipenqahan jln.Semoqa berkekalan sehinqqa akhir hayat ,moqa andan bahaqia disisi keluaraqa iai=itu suami,anak,bapak tershynk aiitu datok kpada M.d Norafiq ,M.d Norafranshah,NurAidaa,NurHusnina,Norfarini & Norfatini .
Sekiranya ada kesalahan Dalam Keluarqa Noradiharap di ampon kn oleh Kornq semua :)

Untok Muhammad Norafiq :
Selamat hari Jadi Ynq ke-dua Tahun ,moqa panjanq umor dan murah rezeki .happy happy selalu kay disisi bapak mu Ynq baharu (stepfather)LOveyou Afiq ! Missyouu So much Babeyh Boy :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 5:09 PM


Findinq a New blogskin :)

Happy 01022010

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 3:55 PM