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She the Silliest girl ever that inlove.



♥ Quotes that suits me for today :) Friends really hurt and heel at the same time :)

♥ I do wish sometimes . As friend that eat us up in the end :)
you people are just testing my patients . trying to put me as your story . trying to play a game with me while i have no time to do so . but when you know I'm having my off day . there goes the stories . why not in front of me ? why ? don't be a network gangster . making me fall ? i think you're wrong . i have a son . i have my responsibility but you people don't have and doing nothing . that's why you people have your sweet time gossiping with riders at the staircase. you people just don't learn from mistake . but instead keep on repeating it . i really upon giving up my job . i just can't take it anymore :)

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 3:21 PM


♥i ready to get sack  . I'm ready to put my resignation letter . i'm ready  to be transfer . i dont asked for it . but i dont wish to have any conflict . working with friends is more tougher then working with a boyfriends . mulot satu satu mcm sial .
I dont mind :) i'm ready to do this . if all because of your mouth i'm being sacked ? i'm okay with it .i be happy upon your wishes :) 
Doesn't meant you make me leave . i be leaving boyfriend . nope thats not the point . but eventually you're helping me getting away from every fight that you people have been creating for me . 

♥ bhy sorry if i decide to make such decision . i can't take it any longer . thing gets Very complicated . but yet i'm smiling :P 
♥i really hope you understand why i make such decision . tomorrow i will be returning all those uniform that used to be mine . 

♥Fafa Montel `YourChubbyBabyGirl
@ 3:15 PM